
Getting started with PuTTY, an opensource SSH client for windows

  1. Getting started with PuTTY, an opensource SSH client for windows
    1. Download PuTTY
    2. Installation
    3. Testing the connection

Download PuTTY

Browse to and find a link to download the PuTTY binary for your version of windows. You may directly download a 32 bit version here. Once downloaded, proceed with the instructions below.


Start the installer, and proceed with the default settings.

assets/img/putty/putty1.png assets/img/putty/putty2.png

Testing the connection

Now open PuTTY, you should land on the following screen: assets/img/putty/putty3.png

Enter the IP address of the VM you are attempting to connect and click on Open. For the first connection, a screen will ask you to confirm that the details on the identification of the remote Host are correct, as follow: assets/img/putty/putty4.png

Confirm that the informations are correct by clicking on Yes. You should now land on a screen asking your credentials. For the VM configured in the context of this practical session, use the following credentials:

  • username: lowcomote
  • password: password

Enter the credentials as in the following screenshot: assets/img/putty/putty5.png

You should now be connected and able to run commands on the virtual machine!